"We founded fritz-kola to make a better kola. In doing so, we challenged the status quo in the beverage world in 2003, because at that time there were hardly any high-quality alternatives to the large corporations. This basic idea still drives us. We question, search for new approaches and go our own way. But we are thinking of much more than just beverages: environmental crises, discrimination and social injustice are just some of the major challenges of the next years. Therefore we want to wake people up to what needs to be done and bring about positive change. In the beverage industry and in society, with our consumers and with ourselves. With our first sustainability report we explain this process, show where we stand and where the journey can lead. Because the world belongs to the awake."
sustainability report 2019
Mirco wolf Wiegert, Founder and CEO
crystal clear principles.
The beverage industry is considered one of the biggest plastic polluters of them all. No wonder with so many commas: Over 480,000,000,000 plastic bottles are produced annually. Not a single one came from us in 2019. Since the foundation of fritz-kola, our bottles have stood for reusable glass. Because we always want to be the most sustainable bottle on the shelf.
The environmental advantages of glass bottles are obvious. And they are listed in this information box. In addition, we are constantly improving the environmental footprint of our bottles.
Plastic bottles may not disappear from the sea, but they do like to disappear once they are out of sight and mind. That's why, next to our kolas and lemonades, we are always delivering new arguments for glass. Since late 2018 we have been offering our ideal: the ideal 0.2 l refillable glass bottle designed for many rotations in the returnable cycle. We securely transport them in crates made of recycled material. Because individuality always brings an extra sorting effort, it is exclusively for gastronomy. There it is well sorted, and the return flow is ensured.
We want to actively improve the reusable glass system. To this end, we work closely with (wholesale) trade and gastronomy. In 2019, beverage retailer Hans-Peter Kastner made headlines by banning single-use bottles from its range. Good for them! In 2020 we want to bring a lot of action to the beverage industry and even more participants with the "Drink from glass" initiative.
Even internationally we never deviate from glass and only in exceptions from reusable glass. Through 2019, we solely delivered reusable bottles to our importers in a total of ten countries outside Germany, although comparable deposit systems or optimal political frameworks did not always exist in these countries. We only supply single-use glass to countries where there are well-functioning deposit systems for it, or if the distances and organizational structures currently make it impossible to retrieve empties.
more than alternative energy.
We as a beverage manufacturer also have an impact on the environment because we use resources such as energy and water and emit emissions. We don't want to talk this down, but rather find solutions to keep our footprint small. To do this, we work together with suppliers and bottlers who are as regional as possible.
Regional production is indispensable for an environmentally friendly returnable glass system. That's why we like to be at the center of attention. In 2019 we expanded our regional production network with Wüllner in Gänsefurth in Saxony-Anhalt, our fifth bottler in Germany. As a result, our bottles cover even shorter distances and we save transport emissions.
Speaking of emissions: In 2019 we calculated our greenhouse gas emissions in CO2 equivalents (CO2-eq) for the first time. With this "footprint" we are following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and starting with ourselves: Our direct emissions (Scope 1) come primarily from our vehicle fleet (including rental cars). Energy (Scope 2) we buy ourselves only for our office in Hamburg. As indirect emissions (Scope 3) we have included the energy consumption of our bottlers. We have less influence on which truck our retailer uses to transport our drinks or which tractor an apple farmer uses. Scope 3 emissions are also generated there, and we want to take care of that too by 2021.
How can we reduce our consumption of diesel and gasoline and still be just around the corner? With this question in mind, our mobility concept has been turning our vehicle fleet upside down since 2018. The city is our territory, which is why we don't need heavy SUVs, but make it easy for the environment with compact and mini cars. To make it even easier, 17 of us have completed an ecological driving training course in 2019. A similar training course was attended by ten of us in 2018. Even better: We have already acquired five electric cars and hybrids. Much better: 91 fritzees don't take a car and prefer to travel by train, bus or bike to your place or to the office at our expense. Also between the cities we prefer to travel by train and only take the plane in approved exceptions.
Together with our five regional bottlers, we are working particularly hard on resource-conserving production. To accomplish this, we have asked our bottler for the consumption figures and analysed them for 2019 as part of our questionnaire for suppliers (see Supply chain and ingredients). Some measures such as efficient engines have already been implemented in recent years, but there is still room for improvement. In order to structure this and other processes even better, we intend to introduce an environmental management system in our company. In our office we use gas for heating, however 100% of our electricity comes from green sources. In 2019 this added up to 3,305 kWh electricity and 31,981 kWh for heating.
not just any material.
Excitement - buy - use - throw away. Unfortunately this is often the typical course of events. Especially in advertising, many products have an extremely short life span and are thrown away faster than you can say "sustainable". That's why 100% sustainable and plastic-free advertising materials are our vision.
Be aware of what we’re forever bound to! Our internal advertising material guideline specifies that our means to an end are as durable, environmentally friendly and recyclable as possible. With this guideline, we define sustainable criteria such as regionality and efficiency as well as suitable certifications for our fritz-world. These include the "Forest Stewardship Council" (FSC), the "Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification" (PEFC) and “der Blaue Engel" (Blue Angel) for paper and wood products, as well as the "Global Organic Textile Standard" (GOTS), "Fair Trade" and "Fair Wear" for clothing.
Longevity means that advertising materials can be used for a long time without having to pay the price of decades of decay like plastic. That is why we have been gradually removing this from our range of advertising materials since 2015 and have been working together with our suppliers in looking for even more ways of doing so. Want some examples? In 2019, we redesigned our cutlery tray for restaurants so that it consists only of wood instead of sheet metal and rubber. Since then, our lanyards are only available in organic cotton instead of polyester. More difficult are chalkboards, where alternative materials such as enamel do not always meet the requirements of our customers. But we’ll keep trying.
However, these efforts only help to a limited extent when advertising materials go out of fashion but remain in stock. This is why we launched a major upcycling campaign in 2019. With five artists we creatively refitted around 1,400 chalkboards, street displays and other discarded advertising material in just 48 hours. Now we are bringing them back to the people.
true kola shows its face.
In politically turbulent times, marked by polarizing personalities and extreme ideologies, fritz-kola loudly shows support for a diverse society. Not everyone likes that - but they don't have to. Because as Hamburgers we are born in a headwind.
Our heads' logo has always represented this stance. And as black as our advertising is, our range of drinks is just as colourful and diverse as the people who produce them and as we wish the world around us to be.
For the 2019 European elections, we have included Europe on every second bottle in our logo, inviting people to go to the ballot box to hand in their vote for an open Europe without hate.
We also openly present our stance against ideologies that are not open to diversity. Since 2019 we have been campaigning against racism with the association "Gastronomie gegen Rassismus e. V." (Hospitality against racism, GGR) with the campaign "my far-right seat remains free" for a restaurant and bar culture that is free of resentment and discriminating behaviour. At the Bar Convent Berlin alone, more than 3,500 € were collected for GGR.
In November 2019, in cooperation with our partners EXIT-Deutschland and FC St. Pauli e. V., we put racism on the sidelines. You probably know FC St. Pauli, we've been working together for four years. EXIT-Deutschland supports people and their families who wish to break with the far-right ideology and reintegrate into society. Already a new path has been paved for 750 people to start a new life. In 2019, the state funding of the initiative was on the brink of collapse. Therefore, the FC St. Pauli game against Karlsruher SC at Millerntor Stadium was the focus of our joint fund-raising campaign.
With the special label "Give them a face" we again showed our vision at the Human Rights Film Festival 2019 in Berlin. This was the second time we drew attention to the situation of refugees worldwide. Because there is a story behind every face.
social is mandatory.
With our fritz-kola we have been everywhere where people come together for almost 20 years. And if no one had taken those first crates of fritz-kola from Mirco and Lorenz, it probably wouldn't be fritz today, rather some Hans who would be supplying the people with cold kola. Therefore it is clear for us that we would like to pass on the support we received back then.
With our social initiative "Pfand gehört daneben" (Bottle deposits belong beside the bin) we call for solidarity with deposit collectors to save them from the unhygienic and inhumane reach into the garbage can in search of a few cents. Every year, according to the Nature Conservation Association of Germany, 180,000,000 € worth of deposits in Germany land exactly there. In addition, we try to improve the living conditions of deposit collectors and impoverished people with creative actions and campaigns.
IIn 2019, we therefore set up the "Hitzehilfe" (Heat Aid) for the homeless and thus made more than 750,000 people aware of their emergency situation in hot weather. With the SoFair T-shirt collection, we also generated more than 2,000 € for people collecting deposits in late summer together with the fair clothing label Hafendieb, also thanks to the support of many familiar faces from the music and cultural scene, such as Flash Forward.
In our #nursoamrande campaign, a homeless person took over our social media channel in February 2019 and brought some people out of the colourful feel-good bubble of Instagram and into their harsh reality. Result: with almost five and a half million contacts, we were able to open some closed eyes to the everyday situation of homeless people.
We maintain a long-term partnership with the elbe-werkstätten. As one of the largest German workshops for people with disabilities, they take over the production of various advertising materials and their complete assembly. Our elbe-team energetically supports us so that these materials are available for Europe-wide distribution.
Outside of the commercial masses, but as "Best popular football club", our footballers from the alternative sports club AKS ZŁY were awarded by the European football association UEFA for their social commitment. The democratic capital club from Warsaw organises free football courses for refugees and attaches great importance to the inclusion of disabled people.
For our discarded and used IT and mobile equipment we have been working with AfB gGmbH since 2019. This social enterprise creates jobs for people with disabilities by processing and selling these devices. The first devices were collected in 2020.
Last but not least, we give our employees time to individually put their black hearts to work for social and environmental causes. Whether with clean-up campaigns and packaging fasts in the fight against plastics or the construction of bee hotels and shelters for homeless people: our fritzees do rather than just talk. And this for the second year in a row: The "actions of practiced sustainability" have been around since 2018.
cultural heritage.
Money for art and culture is scarce - as far as the public sector is concerned. The love for art and culture is great - as far as we are concerned. fritz-kola therefore consciously supports bright artists, cultural curators and organisations who dedicate themselves to their projects with as much passion as we do.
With our music programme fritz-tunes (fritz-töne) we supported a total of 25 selected musicians & partners in 2019, so that they can develop freely without having to take sales figures and popular tastes into account.
But where would we be if there were no places where creativity could unfold? This is why we are actively involved in the public representation of the art and culture scene, for example in the Hamburger Clubkombinat e. V. or as a premium member of LiveKomm. To this end, we support art and cultural institutions such as galleries, cinemas, clubs, museums and art associations, so that they remain a point of contact for the curious.
The night belongs to the awake, and so in 2019 we were represented at a total of 200 events with almost 1.8 million visitors, where sustainability is an important part of the concept. In order to bring a little clarity to this diversity, we distinguish between independent art and cultural events (01), events organized by cultural creators and artists (02) or art and cultural institutions (03) themselves. In addition, there are festivals by non-profit associations (04) such as Appletree Garden, or ecological pioneers (05) like the energy self-sufficient Futur-2-Festival.
There is also a lot of passion in sport. In addition to the already lively football clubs FC St. Pauli and AKS ZŁY, we have also been a partner since 2019 of the German Alpine Club e. V., one of the largest sports and nature conservation associations in Germany. At the end of 2019, we also launched boardrider fritzees (Bretterfritzen). Together we are breaking new ground to enjoy snow, waves and even the open road in an environmentally friendly way.
allow us to introduce, us.
Colourful, a little crazy and the heart of our organisation - these are our employees, the "fritzees". They all come as they are, get involved with passion and make a difference with us. Because we want to be so attractive as an employer that the fritzees perceive work as job satisfaction itself.
The basis for our cooperation is an open, creative cooperation, flat hierarchies and fixed values like diversity and sustainability. We have summarized these values in our self-image and additionally since 2019 in separate management guidelines for all fritzees.
Transparency and fairness are the basis for our salary model and job evaluation system, which we introduced in 2018 and adapted again in 2019. It forms the basis for remuneration and the structuring of tasks within the various departments. All fritzees are entitled to additional benefits such as a company pension plan, a house drink or holiday and Christmas bonuses, regardless of their position with us. With our application management system, we also ensure a transparent process when looking for new fritzees.
It is important to us to have an open ear for all fritzees and to live a culture in which feedback and questions are welcome. At any time and outside a formal framework. In any case, since 2017 there has been an annual meeting for all fritzees with mutual feedback between fritzees and the manager. We regularly inform about central topics in our wake-up calls, in which all fritzees can participate from anywhere via video conference. To ensure that the international team is also involved, the wake-up call has also been available in English since 2017.
Our fritzees have the chance to develop themselves professionally and personally thereby improving us as an organization. For this purpose we have our own internal team of trainers. During the first two years, the trainers guide fritzees in the field with four specific trainings and accompany them regularly in their work. In 2019, they also conducted a one-day communication and feedback training with all fritzees and offered additional training for time and organizational management.
Current topics such as products, strategies and other relevant content are communicated in a playful manner via an online platform. However, the trainers can't do everything on their own, which is why we also work with external training programs, for example for (online) language courses or management training.
A healthy life and the balance between work and private life are also crucial for cooperation. In a special project, 13 employees from all departments are working continuously on measures for more job satisfaction. From equipping the office and company cars, clear rules for parental leave and pregnancy to the supply of organic fruit and sports activities, these fritzees were also involved in many measures in 2019.
don't overdo it.
kola is not a bulk product for us to consume by the litre, but a premium product and cultural good for adults: in small glass bottles and with lots of caffeine to keep you going all night. A decision for fritz is also a decision for responsible consumption.
Although over 80% of lemonades in Germany are sold in bottles of one litre or more, ours are only available in 0.2 l or 0.33 l portions with crown caps for direct consumption and 0.5 l with screw caps. This means that we stand for enjoyment in moderation and do not position ourselves as a basic foodstuff. Of course, our drinks do not belong in the hands of pregnant or breastfeeding women or children. We state this on the labels of fritz-kola and fritz-mate because of the high caffeine content, as required by law. Our advertising is not aimed at children, does not take place in their environment and is not targeted at them. It is aimed specifically at... you. You, who are at most an adult that is a child at heart.
To make your already good decision for fritz even better, we worked on some recipes in 2019: For the kolas you had the choice between classic black fritz-kola, "less sugar" as a grey middle way and the white labeled "no sugar". From 2020, colour will come into play: the new "zero sugar" is black like all our kolas, but still as colourful as the rest of our range. In addition, we will be robbing some varieties of a little sugar in 2020. But you'll have to taste for yourself which ones these are.
inner worth is what counts.
A drink is only as good as its ingredients. And the people who make them. That's why we prefer to work with family-run and owner-managed companies that share our values. We want to work in partnership with all producers in our supply chain - from raw materials to bottling.
In 2019, we defined exactly what partnership cooperation looks like in our Code of Conduct for business partners. The code is an integral part of our purchasing and distribution contracts and applies to the whole supply chain from the cultivation of the raw materials, through further processing and bottling to distribution. It sets out minimum social and environmental requirements. We didn't just come up with them, they are based on international standards such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights (AEMR) and the labour and social standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Complaints or information about infringements against this code can be reported to us at any time, even anonymously.
The Code is the basis on which we want to create more transparency and actively (co-)design supply chains in order to achieve genuine partnerships with all producers. The first step: we wanted to ensure that our ingredients for long nights grow under the best conditions and began our research in February 2019. We asked all our raw material suppliers and bottlers about their sustainability management. (Except for one, because the collaboration came later).
The work continues. What we can say with absolute certainty so far: The juice for the organic apple spritzer came only from Germany as early as 2019, in the course of 2020 we want to achieve the same for the organic rhubarb spritzer. All products are vegan, including label glue and sealant, and are made with natural mineral water. With the green kola, which has been called "organic" since 2019, we have already expanded our range in 2018 to include a green and fair product. In addition, from 2020 onwards, we will be asking new raw material suppliers for relevant information - including on their sustainability management - before they cooperate with our fritz standards survey.
about us.
An old van, a few euros in your pocket and a desire for independence. Sometimes that's all it takes to get started. Because every degree comes to an end at some point, Mirco and Lorenz asked themselves the big question in 2002: What next, for a meaningful life? The answer: The best place to go is where you most enjoy being - in a favourite café, the neighbourhood bar or on the beach. A kola should be there - as a premium cultural good, not as a mass product. No sooner said than done and the recipe was developed - not too sweet, and with lots and lots of caffeine to get you through the nights. Add a black and white label of their faces, some beer bottles and a name as honest and Hanseatic as our liberal-minded homeland. Hello, fritz.
By 2019, we’ve grown somewhat larger with 269 employees, but the glass bottles have remained small and the contents natural. This year the assortment included five fritz-kolas, four fritz-limos, three fritz-spritz spritzers as well as fritz-mate, Mischmasch and four lemonades of the Anjola brand. From our Hamburg office we manage sales, brand management, production, purchasing and quality management together with our field sales force. Bottling is done from five mineral springs. From the loading platform, the beverage wholesaler takes over and supplies restaurants, retailers and anyone else who wants to sell our beverages throughout 27 European countries.
In most cases the glass bottle then comes back to us and the journey continues to all the people who go through life with their eyes open. Because the world belongs to the awake.
sustainability at fritz.
Sustainability has played a central role in our business operations since fritz-kola was founded. What was then reflected in brown returnable glass bottles is now reflected in our corporate goals, values, guidelines and daily work. We don’t want to walk this path alone, therefore we consistently involve our stakeholders. We are in constant contact with our suppliers and mineral springs as well as with distributors and customers from the beverage wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and cash-and-carry markets. We also maintain close contact with our consumers through social media and events. We are a member of PRO MEHRWEG – Verband zur Förderung von Mehrwegverpackungen e. V. (For Reusables) as well as the Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für umweltgerechtes Management (B.A.U.M.) e. V. (German Federal Working Group for Eco-friendly Management) and support the Arbeitskreis Mehrweg GbR (Working Group for Reusables). In addition to specific events, we support numerous activists and non-governmental organisations in their work. We are always open for exchange with the media, politicians, scientists, local communities and other companies in the market. This multifaceted dialogue flows continuously into our assessment of the key issues.
The overview of our sustainability management is led by a small team in the brand management department. Depending on the topic, they work closely with other departments throughout the company and determine the impact of our actions and decisions on strategic projects. The final say belongs to the department leaders and the executive management board, which have also reviewed and approved this report.
About this report
In 2018, we identified our key issues together with selected stakeholders, such as bottlers, suppliers and trade partners in interviews and workshops as well as through data analysis for the purposes of dual materiality. They form the basis for this report and its structure. Our material topics are, in order of relevance: Packaging and product design, responsible consumption, human rights and labour standards in the supply chain, regional raw materials and bottling, advertising materials, employee satisfaction and retention, environmental impacts of production and bottling social engagement as well as animal welfare. The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option.
Unless otherwise stated, all information refers to our activities in the year 2019. Our key figures are based on purchase and sales values. This excludes environmental data based on production figures and personnel data. Details of events (including estimates) are provided by the organisers.
If you've gotten this far, you've done it and read the first sustainability report of fritz-kulturgüter gmbh in full. Thanks for your interest.
gri content index
Universal Standards GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016 Organizational profile |
102 | 1 | Name of the organization | „fritz-kulturgüter GmbH“ |
102 | 2 | Activities, brands, products, and services | Profile |
102 | 3 | Location of headquarters | Profile |
102 | 4 | Location of operations | Profile |
102 | 5 | Ownership and legal form | Imprint |
102 | 6 | Markets served | Profile |
102 | 7 | Scale of the organization | Profile “We publish company reports in the Federal Register.” |
102 | 8 | Information on employees and other workers | Profile “We publish company reports in the Federal Register.” |
102 | 9 | Supply chain | Supply chain and ingredients Profile |
102 | 10 | Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain | „Initial Report“ |
102 | 11 | Precautionary Principle or approach | Profile |
102 | 12 | External initiatives | Profile |
102 | 13 | Membership of associations | Profile |
Strategy |
102 | 14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | Introduction |
Ethics and integrity |
102 | 16 | Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour | Profile Supply chain and ingredients fritzees |
Governance |
102 | 18 | Governance structure | Profile |
Stakeholder engagement |
102 | 40 | List of stakeholder groups | Profile |
102 | 41 | Collective bargaining agreements | “fritzees are not covered by collective agreements.” |
102 | 42 | Identifying and selecting stakeholders | Profile |
102 | 43 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | Profile |
102 | 44 | Key topics and concerns raised |
Profile |
Reporting practice |
102 | 45 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | "fritz-kulturgüter GmbH" |
102 | 46 | Defining report content and topic Boundaries | Profile |
102 | 47 | List of material topics | Profile |
102 | 48 | Restatements of information | „Initial Report“ |
102 | 49 | Changes in reporting | „Initial Report“ |
102 | 50 | Reporting period | Profile |
102 | 51 | Date of most recent report | „Initial Report“ |
102 | 52 | Reporting cycle | “We are aiming for a two-year reporting cycle.” |
102 | 53 | Contact point for questions regarding the report | Profile |
102 | 54 | Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | Profile |
102 | 55 | GRI content index | Profile |
102 | 56 | External assurance | "None." |
GRI 103: Management approach 2016 |
103 | 1-3 | Management approach | Introduction Profile |
Economic Standards GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016 |
204 | 103 | Management approach | Environment |
204 | 1 | Proportion of spending on local suppliers | Environment |
Environmental Standards GRI 301: Materials 2016 |
301 | 103 | Management approach | Glass Advertising material |
301 | 1 | Materials used by weight or volume | Glass |
301 | 2 | Recycled input materials used | Glass Advertising material |
GRI 302: Energy 2016 | |||
302 | 103 | Management approach | Environment |
302 | 1 | Energy consumption within the organization | Environment |
302 | 3 | Energy intensity | Environment |
GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018 | |||
303 | 103 | Management approach | Environment |
303 | 5 | Water consumption | “We only use natural mineral water from the springs of our bottlers for production. Our central indicator is the water consumption for bottle washing.” |
GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 | |||
304 | 103 | Management approach | Supply chain and ingredients |
304 | “Our indicator of biodiversity in the supply chain is the proportion of certified raw materials.” | ||
GRI 305: Emissions 2016 | |||
305 | 103 | Management approach | Environment |
305 | 1 | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions | Environment |
305 | 2 | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions | Environment |
305 | 3 | Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions | Environment |
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 | |||
308 | 103 | Management approach | Supply chain and ingredients |
308 | 1 | New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria | Supply chain and ingredients |
Social Standards GRI 401: Employment 2016 |
401 | 103 | Management approach | fritzees |
401 | 2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees | fritzees |
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 |
404 | 103 | Management approach | fritzees |
404 | 1 | Average hours of training per year per employee | fritzees |
404 | 3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | fritzees |
GRI 408: Child Labour 2016 | |||
408 | 103 | Management approach | Supply chain and ingredients |
408 | 1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labour | “In addition to our Code of Conduct, our operating sites and bottlers as well as numerous other suppliers are subject to strict regulation in Germany. The Code of Conduct applies in exactly the same way to suppliers outside of Germany.” |
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labour 2016 | |||
409 | 103 | Management approach | Supply chain and ingredients |
409 | 1 | Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments | “In addition to our Code of Conduct, our operating sites and bottlers as well as numerous other suppliers are subject to strict regulation in Germany. The Code of Conduct applies in exactly the same way to suppliers outside of Germany.” |
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 | |||
413 | 103 | Management approach |
Attitude |
413 | Engagement | “Commitment cannot always be expressed in numbers. Wherever possible, we use our own indicators as appropriate.” | |
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016 | |||
414 | 103 | Management approach | Supply chain and ingredients |
414 | 1 | New suppliers that were screened using social criteria | Supply chain and ingredients |
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016 | |||
416 | 103 | Management approach | Conscious consumption |
416 | 1 | Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories | Conscious consumption |
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016 | |||
417 | 103 | Management approach | Conscious consumption |
417 | 1 | Requirements for product and service information and labeling | Conscious consumption "Nutritional values are indicated on the label." |
material Topic: Animal Welfare |
103 | Management approach | Supply chain and ingredients | |
Percentage of vegan products | Supply chain and ingredients |
Any more questions?
fritz-kulturgüter GmbH
Spaldingstraße 64-68
20097 Hamburg
Contact Person: Björn Knoop